What is the date and time of the next academy?

The academy will take place from Sunday, July 13 through Saturday, July 19, 2025, at 7539 Teague Rd, Hanover, MD 21076. The practical exercises will occur in a classroom environment and in the field throughout the area. The class starts at 8 AM each day with a lunch break. The lunch period and the end time will vary based on the training day.

Who attends an academy like this?

Anyone with an interest in the field of private investigation. Whether they want to learn how to convert their public sector (IC, military, law enforcement) skills into the private sector, want training, a career change, or want to work part-time or full-time in the field, students can benefit from learning real-world skills. We have had the following come through in the past:

  • Current, former, and retired law enforcement
  • Current, former, and retired military
  • Current, former, and retired members of the Intelligence Community
  • Current, former, and retired members of the private sector
  • People with no experience at all
  • People who just wanted to experience what private investigation is really like
  • People who want to work on their own situation/case using the skills learned

Any U.S. Citizen, male or female, over the age of 18 can attend. To date, the youngest student we have had is 19, and the oldest is 74.

How does it work?

At our academy, learning is not just theoretical; it is a hands-on, immersive experience. We present students with an evolving private investigation scenario, mirroring real-life cases they may encounter in their careers. As they acquire new skills, they immediately apply them to the scenario, with the success of the case hinging on their application. This ensures that our students are knowledgeable, confident, and prepared for the real world of private investigation. The academy culminates with a mock courtroom scenario where an attorney cross-examines students to ensure their case is rock solid.

Who are the instructors?

Prepare to be inspired by our diverse team of over ten instructors. All of them are current or former private investigators, intelligence officers, law enforcement, military, or specialized skill instructors such as attorneys. Their varied backgrounds and extensive experience ensure that you receive the highest quality of education and training. We also bring in role players to elevate your experience during certain exercises.

What will I learn throughout the week?

  • Fundamentals of Private Investigation
  • Private Investigation Equipment
  • Private Investigation Law
  • Investigative Interviewing
  • Physical Surveillance (vehicular, foot, multi-modal)
  • Investigative Photography
  • Investigative Research
  • Investigative Analysis
  • Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Collection
  • Report Writing
  • Courtroom Testimony
  • Finding Cases
  • And much more.

What will I need for the course?

This is not just a sit-in-the-classroom course listening to war stories from a burned-out former police detective. This course combines in the field and classroom instruction. Various items must be brought to the academy. Each student must have an automobile with current insurance, registration, and a valid driver’s license. Each student must also have a smartphone that can download applications. Each student must also bring a laptop or tablet. Finally, each student must bring a non-cell phone camera (DSLR or mirrorless camera) with them. The academy has limited equipment to issue out for your course and recommends you train with your personal equipment regardless.

What happens after I graduate?

If you were seeking training or an immersive experience:

  • No further action is required.
  • Stay in touch with us for future training and job opportunities.
  • If you have an employer that requires training validation, have them e-mail [email protected] to get it.
  • You will become a part of The Lynx Network

If you have five years of continuous investigation experience from one source and want to sponsor yourself:

  • We will aid you with your agency application
  • You and your company may serve as an independent contractor to Lynx if you would like.
  • You will become a part of The Lynx Network

If you are seeking sponsorship with Lynx (no experience to five+ years experience):

  • We will provide you with all necessary applications for employment with the company so you may get your credential card.
  • You will become a part of The Lynx Network

What does this academy not do?

This academy does not meet specific state private investigation guidelines, such as the Virginia 02E course or the Florida Investigator CC Intern Pre-Licensing Course.

However, it exceeds the training length of every private investigation course in the United States. How each state handles individual licensing will be discussed in the course.

This academy will also not certify you to carry a firearm in any jurisdiction. While the use of firearms by private investigators will be covered in the academy, firearms are not a training topic in this academy as they are not required to conduct private investigation.

This academy is not a “you pay tuition, we hand you a certificate academy.” Expect to train and learn. There are countless “training providers” who will take your money and hand you a certificate you need, or worse, it will be a former cop who tells you war stories for a few days, and you learn nothing.

How many people are allowed to attend?

We cap the academy at 20 students. This allows us to use the small group instruction approach and enables students to learn team-based surveillance effectively.

Can I bring a friend?

Of course! If you know someone interested in attending, you can qualify for our referral program. E-mail [email protected] for more information.

How much is this academy?

Ready to get started? Tuition for this academy is $1,997, which includes taxes and other fees. Full payment in the form of an agency purchase order, cashier’s check, money order, cash, or credit/debit card (American Express, Discover, Visa, or MasterCard) must be received by Lynx Security Group at least five (5) working days before the first day of class. Afterpay is available to make payment installments.

Are there any discounts available?

Our friends from CrimeCon and the MSBA Legal Summit have a specialty discount code they can use (for Crime Con, it is in your program book, for MSBA Legal Summit, it is on the academy flyer). We also have discount codes for those in law enforcement and military. Please reach out to [email protected] from your government or military e-mail address to receive the discount code.

Everyone (including those who attended CrimeCon and the MSBA Legal Summit) can participate in the referral program for reduced tuition. E-mail [email protected] for more information.

What else do I need to know?

  • Students must be U.S. citizens.
  • Students will leave with written materials that will aid them in their future endeavors
  • Students earn either a certificate of training or attendance. A certificate of training is granted for demonstrating competency in the skills. A certificate of attendance is for those who showed up but did not demonstrate skills competency, had a safety violation, or didn’t meet the temperament and judgment to be a private investigator.
  • Limited equipment is available to be loaned out.
  • Students who earn a certificate of training are eligible for sponsorship, so they can start soliciting private investigation cases in addition to the case opportunities provided to them.
  • There are no refunds once you reserve a training course slot.
  • A special discounted hotel room rate is available for travelers outside the training area. Click here to reserve your room.

I have additional questions. Where can I send them?

You can reach us at [email protected], [email protected], or 1-833-596-9477 (Dial 0 to speak to a representative).